Suswati Basu


Thanks to all the wonderful supporters over the years who have continued to share this journey. Here’s what some of them have said

You are an important cultural voice…

Ira Chaleff

on Spreaker

The host of the podcast, Suswati brings up every episode after reading tons of books and doing available online research. She also collaborates and interview experts on mental health. Her effort and this podcast deserves appreciation. Do give her a shot

Mandy Nicholson

on iTunes UK

Hugely inspirational content, some unbelievable episodes, I’d highly recommend giving them a listen!

Zeno Leoni

on Amazon UK

These podcasts provide insights driven by expertise on important aspects of mental wellness. They are both pleasant to listen and helpful in the everyday life.

Otis Willis

on iTunes UK

I am writing to appreciate the cultural sophistication and inclusiveness of this episode and to commend you on a succinct and competent distillation of the principles of Intelligent Disobedience from my book on the subject. You are an important cultural voice and I am honored you have included my work in your examination of contemporary culture.

Tina El-hage

on Audible

I look forward to this series from Suswati Basu every week, it’s well researched and thought provoking — great for the morning commute!

Tom Bourlet

on Amazon UK

Suswati’s How To Be series is courageous and kind, exploring unique perspectives on topics that are close to our collective hearts. She is conscious in her words, offers deep insights, and is an all round pleasure to work with, I hope we’ll have the chance to collaborate further again.

Ramesh B.

on Audible India

Such a rich collection of stories and insight beautifully crafted by Suswati. A beautiful gem in an ocean of self-help podcasts.


iTunes Netherlands

I have worked with Suswati on several projects and found her to be such a wonderfully positive lady. She has been consistent with her messaging and had such an inspiring impact on so many through her podcasts and communications. Her use of the experience and knowledge of others to bring variety to people’s journey of improvement is inclusive and community based. Very admirable. I would recommend that you listen and get her on your play list!


on iTunes UK

I love listening to these podcast episodes. I find them really helpful and supportive, and they provide useful tips and suggestions on how to live a better life. Highly recommended!


on iTunes UK