BLM and protests in a neoliberal system – Invisible Weapons author Marcus Board Jr


As the world increasingly succumbs to the influence of a dystopian global order that views the neoliberal and capitalist market as the ultimate judge of all human interactions, an increasing number of individuals are becoming inclined to resist, an area which we speak about with Invisible Weapons author Marcus Board Jr on Black History Month. The neoliberal concept of equality, based on the belief that economic growth benefits all, has disintegrated in the wake of stark real-world evidence of widening inequalities between the prosperous and the underprivileged. The Black Lives Matter Movement (BLM), on the other hand, is a movement primarily focused on addressing racial inequality and police brutality – the polar opposite of the neoliberal structure.

Trigger Warning: racism and police violence

Some argue that fundamental changes to economic and political systems are necessary to address racial inequality, while others believe that meaningful progress can be made through reforms and grassroots efforts within the existing framework.

What is the ideology of neoliberalism?

Neoliberalism is an economic and political ideology that advocates for limited government intervention in markets and emphasises the importance of free-market capitalism. Here are some key principles and characteristics of neoliberalism:

  1. Neoliberalism asserts that minimal government intervention and competitive free markets lead to efficient resource allocation and economic growth.
  2. It places a strong emphasis on individual freedom and responsibility.
  3. Neoliberalism often advocates for the removal of regulations and restrictions on businesses, including labour laws, environmental regulations, and financial regulations.
  4. The system supports the privatisation of state-owned enterprises and services.
  5. Neoliberalism typically advocates for fiscal policies that prioritise reducing government spending, lowering taxes, and minimising budget deficits.
  6. It often favours monetary policies that prioritise low inflation and stable prices, often through the use of independent central banks.
  7. It also supports the liberalisation of international trade and the removal of barriers to global commerce.
  8. Neoliberalism tends to advocate for minimal social safety nets, arguing that they can create dependency and discourage individual initiative.
  9. Success in the market is thought to be based on individual merit and effort.
  10. Neoliberalism generally prefers a smaller role for government in society.

Critics argue that the neoliberal structure can lead to economic inequality, environmental degradation, and the erosion of social safety nets hence the rise of movements like BLM. They also contend that it may prioritise the interests of corporations and the wealthy over those of ordinary citizens. As such, the ideology and its implications remain a topic of ongoing discussion and study in economics and political science.

Can radical movements like BLM ever work in a neoliberal capitalist system?

Thanks to the following author for participating:

Marcus Board Jr. is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Howard University. His research focuses on domination with a particular focus on public opinion, political behaviour, and radical Black feminist theories of power. We spoke about his book Invisible Weapons: Infiltrating Resistance and Defeating Movements.

Other wonderful guests who took part:

Chris is a marketer with 12 years experience and currently works across manufacturing and hospitality.

Here are some of the resources from the show:

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor is an Assistant Professor at the Center for African American Studies at Princeton University. She is also interested in social movements and Black politics in the United States. Recorded at TEDxBaltimore January 2016.

Books looked at this week:

Marcus Board Jr: Invisible Weapons: Infiltrating Resistance and Defeating Movements

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor: From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation

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[…] Listen: BLM and protests in a neoliberal system – Invisible Weapons author Marcus Board Jr […]